Judy LeBlanc's Theology 101

THEOLOY 101 In Bite Size Pieces

The word theology tends to lead people to think that it is only meant for seminarian scholars; however, the word speaks for itself by the sole definition of "the study of God's Word." Theology 101 takes a fresh look at God's Power, Character, Love, Nature, and what the finished work of Christ meant to the world in bite size portions. It offers scripturally based truths of some of the riches of His Divine Grace that include answers to thought provoking questions such as what is predestination; who are the chosen; the called, and the elect. The author uses everyday language to explain what it means to be justified, reconciled, forgiven, and offers a clear and easy to understand explanation of why practicing merited grace contradicts Christ's finished work on the cross.

~ Author Judy LeBlanc THEOLOGY 101 in Bite-Size Pieces