Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts

Finding Peace In Everyday Life

Seek the Prince of Peace and allow the peace of God to rain in your life.

When Fear Grips One's Life

Fear can cripple a person and become a controlling factor in their life. Of course there is natural fear that we all occasionally encounter. However, when fear starts to become a controlling factor in one's life as a stronghold, there's something wrong.

There is a scripture that basically states "you have not been given a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind". Note the word spirit. You see sometimes overwhelming strongholds of fear are exactly that. A spirit. A evil, wicked and unclean spirit that has rooted deeply within a person. When this happens it requires deliverance to be set free of that spirit. It requires the help of God.

If you are finding your life being controlled by un natural fear, contact a local church and talk with someone. They can help you. They will be able to counsel you, give you scriptural advice, pray for you and God can use them to set you free.

Blessings, and may the peace of God rain in your life
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

The Helper Who Brings Rest

I love to rest in God. Life comes with many different challenges and sometimes those challenges can overwhelm us. Over the years I've learned a very important fruit of the Spirit. Patience! Within such, I've learned to rest in God, to not respond so quickly or become easily offended by situations. I simply take a deep breath and start praying when situations arise. When we rest in God, we find God's peace, wisdom and counsel flowing and that simply calms the storms. It helps us to put things into perspective.

Let me encourage you to rest in God when things seem to overwhelm you. Remember, yesterday is gone, today is here, and tomorrow will take care of it's self. Allow Jesus to calm the storms, and allow the Holy Spirit to minister peace to you.

Blessings are found in resting in God.
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

Walking In Peace

Sounds easy, but many times it's not that easy. Our natural instinct is to do unto others as they do to us. However as believers, as Christian's, we are called to a higher calling and within that calling is love. So how do we love the unlovable? How do we return good for evil?

By allowing the love of Christ to flow through us, and applying the fruits of the spirit while simply being Christ like. The key is not to become offended.

In His Glorious Name Ministries Online