Showing posts with label blessings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blessings. Show all posts

God Can Turn The Worst Of Situations Into Blessings

Very few people look towards God when things are going well. Truth is they are usually to busy and consumed to think about God. However, when times become difficult or troubles come, that's when we all seem to call out to God. Sometimes God takes the worst of situations and circumstances and turns them into blessings. We of course can't see this in the beginnings or as it's unfolding, but as time passes we do.

If your encountering difficulties let me encourage you to call out to God through times of prayer, worship and simply taking the time to share fellowship with Him. You just might find all your difficulties being turned into blessings as time passes.

In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

Seasons Of Blessings

I believe in seasons, and although the seasons of lately for our nation have been darkened by financial problems. I also believe that even within such, there are blessings to behold through Jesus Christ.

Blessings, in God's Son